Sunday, November 11, 2007


In my English class we are currently talking about existentialism in relation to Albert Camus's novel, L'Etranger. We have touched upon four "forms" of existentialism, Theistic, Atheistic, Absudist, and Nihilist.
In relation to the four I pose the following:
You are an existentialist of one of the above four types. Justify a knowledge claim in relation to that mode of thought.

Wolf Songhurst
Poudre High School, USA


Rebecca said...

Could you give some background information about this topic? As of now, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Rebecca Mitchell
Poudre High School, USA

Mr. Pseudonym said...

Okay, so existentialism, and it's subsets, are all modes of thought, or philosophies, or whatever you wish to call them.
That being said, you can use those lenses through TOK to create knowledge claims.

So, for example:
As a nihilist, it is impossible to justify knowledge claims. Because everything is inherently without meaning, and the universe is especially devoid, I can never actually know anything because there is no truth.

Nihilism is the easiest way to answer the question, because it outright denies the possibility of an answer. In the cases of Absurdism and other existentialisms there might be truths, or even self-made meanings. So, keeping that in mind, what is a knowledge claim you can make using TOK and an existential lens.

katrina337 said...

Ok, so I think this is what you're talking about (as you well know, I'm tired today, so I could be completely wrong. Tell me if I am).

Knowledge would be justified through self-awareness. Without an innate sense of self, one could not control their own fate and would remain under the standards set by society, which are meaningless to an absurdist.

Yes? No?

katrina337 said...

Oh yeah,

Katrina Carnes
Poudre High School, USA

Mr. Pseudonym said...

Right track, but I want you to justify a specific knowledge claim.

Wolf Songhurst
Poudre High School, USA

J.Malone said...


katrina337 said...

Okay, so the claim "God does not exist" would be justified (by absurdists) through self-awareness, because absurdists control their own fate. Absurdists reject the societal logic standards (God exists) because such claims are meaningless to them. In such, they create their own fate and have no need for God.

Is that more what you want?